Expert in the area of technology and innovation in sanitary supplies.
Phone: +31 (0)88 5012900
Please also contact us in advance if you would like to place a bulk order.
Our product range isn't simply wide: it also contains products which are simply unique, among which our own diverse brands (Move, BigMove, GlassMove, Flo etcetera). The gamut covers not just (emergency) shower cabins and sanibroyeur toilets but also macerators, pumps, boilers en geysers/heaters.
Since we are also the only link between product and customer, overhead costs incurred from a web of importers, distributors and dealers are avoided. You buy as closely to the source as possible and are thus able to acquire products for generally much lower prices than the competition.
We would however like to invite you to convince yourself by viewing our products and product ranges to the left of this page. Our products can also be seen in our showroom.
In case you are planning to visit us, we would however like to advise you to call us up front in order to verify that the product you wish to acquire is still in stock and/or can be reserved.